
Concept / Bookings / Event Management / Experiential

 “RDX perfectly encapsulated the spirit of our brand with these events and wowed our target audience.”  Vincent Hagen – Events Director



Bacardi needed fresh ideas for an event combining music, live acts, and technology. At the same time it wanted to maintain its heritage, identity and the spirit of the brand.

We were tasked with translating the spirit of Bacardi through unique slogans and an event marketing campaign. We also created instantly recognisable branded sets and decoration. So for instance, rather than hire furniture such as the bar and sofas for the lounge area, we had them custom-made incorporating the Barcardi logo.

Logistics was an essential part of our brief because the entire event needed to be easily transportable and reproduced in several cities.

What we did

We created ‘BatBeats – The sound of Future Latin Beats’, in collaboration with Bruut events in the Netherlands.

This was a fully integrated concept featuring soulful Latin styled dance music with an array of surprise acts and live shows.
Every piece of the staging, from bar to backdrop, was designed and produced for Bacardi. This, together, with the selection of venues and programming, gave the events a distinctive look and feel, encapsulating the true spirit of the brand.

All the pieces where constructed to be easily packed and transported to different cities. Hi-tech souvenirs and giveaways were also essential and served as proof the recipient had been at the event.

The designs used in the set were carried through into the graphics used in publicity for the events, which revolved around an online social media campaign.


Bacardi Batbeats became a brand in its own right, reflecting the spirit of Bacardi.
The success of Batbeats paved the way for six consecutive years of spectacular Bacardi events, with the concepts evolving organically.